The Cornish Community Initiative was conceived and organized in 2019, and officially registered as a NH non profit in 2022 with the charitable mission of maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Cornish, NH. In 2023, the CCI received its 501(c)3 designation as a non-profit organization. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations. Our Federal Tax ID # is 87-4593192.
The community is being re-energized to reclaim the interest and enthusiasm to generate activities for the community, by the community. In doing so, residents will engage with each other, establish new relationships and friendships, and build priceless social capital, so important after years of isolation.
The goal of CCI is to maintain and enhance the quality of life through multiple activities related to the arts, education, public affairs, community development, historic resources, the environment, recreation, and social services.

CCI UPDATE, 7/24/2023
The Cornish Community Initiative has been active since the March Town Meeting. We meet monthly and have established the following committees:
- Activity Committee
- Building Committee
- Finance Committee
- Fundraising Steering Committee
- Website Committee
Good news:
- The CCI received its 501c3 non-profit designation in April. We are grateful for the pro bono help of Alyssa Chandler Fitzgerald with the filing.
- We received a grant from the Tasker Bridges Fund to purchase ten 6′ tables for use at the Cornish Store. Many thanks to the Tasker Bridges Fund!
- We received a grant from the Claremont Savings Bank Foundation to help support the cost of a fundraising consultant. Thank you CSB Foundation!
- We have established a banking relationship with the Mascoma Savings Bank and have sufficient funds on hand to meet our immediate needs and those we anticipate for the next several months.
The Cornish Store space is being used by many organizations and groups as a meeting and gathering space:
- Bone Builders, twice weekly
- CAIP, regular meetings and plans for Fall Senior events
- The Cornish library, numerous events and activities
- Cornish Garden Club
- Cornish Historical Society
- Friends of the Cornish Library, meetings and bake sales
- Democratic Committee – potluck
- The green triangle hosted Earth Day events and you may have seen Goldy Fish there collecting used plastic bottles.
Stay tuned for future events sponsored by the CCI or other groups in town.
The Cornish Community Initiative hosted a family picnic and outdoor game night on 7/20, with 20 people attending. The event was organized by Emily Lewis, with families providing delicious pot luck foods. Croquet and lawn games were enjoyed by all, with a focus on a Zero Waste event. All agreed that the community pot luck and game night should be an annual event.
RFP for Civil Engineer process started, responses due on 25-July
RFP for Construction Manager process started, responses due on 25-July
Meeting monthly since May. Fundraising efforts for the new Cornish Library and Community Center are in the planning stage as information needs to be gathered and tasks need to be completed before fundraising can begin. A fundraising consultant has been hired. Please know that you will know when and how donations can be made.