
Several years ago the Library Trustees identified deficiencies in the current Stowell building donated over 100 years ago. An Exploratory Committee was formed to evaluate the issues and create recommendations. During this time an offer was made by Colleen O’Neill to donate the vacant building formerly known as the Cornish General Store to be renovated and used as a new Library and Community Center. The Cornish Community Initiative supports this course of action and has offered to facilitate the property transfer as well as capital fundraising campaign and renovations. Warrant articles and agreements have been drafted to ensure there is no cost to the residents of Cornish for this process, and the CCI would gather the $2.5M+ required for the renovation and oversee that multi year process, at the conclusion of which the building is handed over to the town of Cornish. As of the March 2023 town meeting, Cornish voted to accept this project.

This page is designed as an information hub for the exploration and discussion of this plan and related impacts. Information will continue to reside here for historical reference as the project continues forward.


Following the successful town vote on the Warrant Article this year, fundraising and construction are commencing as a multi year project.

A Building Committee has been formed that includes representatives from the Library Trustees, Cornish Community Initiative, at least one Cornish citizen with experience in construction trades, and the architect.  Their scope includes refinement of the existing plan, solicitation and consideration of past and ongoing input from the community, and assurance of meeting all standards as specified in the warrant article. This Committee may be guided by a Clerk of the Works.

View the Floorplan

The capital fundraising committee is working hard on this! The groundwork has been laid to accept some initial large donations. Very soon (early 2024) we will post a donation link on this page for residents and supporters to contribute! We appreciate your patience (and enthusiasm) while we get that set up.

$1M of the $3M goal raised!

33% of the way there!

April 2024

March 2024

November 2023

October 2023

August 2023

July 2023

Archive of Past Information