Hazardous Waste Collection
Claremont Highway Garage, 8 Grandview Street https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/hazardous-waste-collections/new-hampshire-schedules/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/files/7117/1034/8847/HHWSchedule2024.pdf
Claremont Highway Garage, 8 Grandview Street https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/hazardous-waste-collections/new-hampshire-schedules/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/files/7117/1034/8847/HHWSchedule2024.pdf
The Cornish Energy Committee usually meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. The Plainfield Energy Committee joins our meetings on an "as-needed" basis to work on joint projects. The public is welcome to attend either in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is below. Proposed Agenda: 1. Approve May minutes. 2. Community Power...
The meeting is open to the public: everyone is welcome to attend.
The Cornish Energy Committee usually meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. The Plainfield Energy Committee joins our meetings on an "as-needed" basis to work on joint projects. The public is welcome to attend either in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is below. Proposed Agenda: 1. Approve June minutes. 2. New members...
Lebanon, DHMC Lot 27, 52 Labombard Road (off Route 120 from Heater Road or Etna Road) https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/hazardous-waste-collections/new-hampshire-schedules/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/files/7117/1034/8847/HHWSchedule2024.pdf
July 13, 9 AM - 4 PM and July 14, 9 AM - 12 noon The Friends of the Cornish NH Library is sponsoring a book sale consisting of over 2,000 books from the estate of Sandra Guest, a retired Cornish librarian and online bookseller. It is estimated that over 50% are children's books with the...
Cornish Conservation Commission's MAPS meeting focuses on NRI Maps. The meeting is open to the public: everyone is welcome to attend.
The meeting is open to the public: everyone is welcome to attend.
The Cornish Energy Committee usually meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. The Plainfield Energy Committee joins our meetings on an "as-needed" basis to work on joint projects. The public is welcome to attend either in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is below. Proposed Agenda: 1. Approve July minutes. 2. Prospective new...
This meeting is open to the public. Proposed Agenda Approval of minutes of June 3, 2024 meeting. Meeting with representatives of HUB66 regarding BMGI grant implementation. Other matters that may come to the attention of the committee. Public comment/input.
Questions may be emailed to: conservationcommission@cornishnh.net The meeting is open to the public: everyone is welcome to attend.
CALL OUT FOR VOLUNTEERS! Sept/Oct some weekend hours - help process and stack firewood at the Recycle Center; Winter as needed - be on our call list to answer needs as they arise...help shovel snow, bring in firewood, help deliver firewood, clean snow/ice off a car, run an errand, etc. Volunteers don't need to come...