Masons Community Breakfast

Masons of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge 36 School St, Cornish

The menu includes eggs (fried, scrambled) omelets (ham, cheese, onions, peppers) pancakes (plain, blueberries, chocolate chips) French toast, sandwich (egg with cheese and either ham, sausage or bacon on an...

Hiking Club

HAPPY 4thOF JULY! This SUNDAY - the 7th - let’s wander the trails of Boston Lot Lake – get it? 4thof July – Independence Day – Boston?!? Okay, maybe a...

Concert at Saint Gaudens

Saint Gaudens National Park 139 Saint Gaudens Road, Cornish

2pm, at the Little Studio Kinan Azmeh and Dinuk Wijeratne* Acclaimed composers and performers with music at the intersection of classical, jazz, and South Asian elements Concerts available on YouTube...

Book Group

Stowell Library 24 School Street, Cornish

Linus Baker is a by-the-book case worker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. He's tasked with determining whether six dangerous magical children are likely to bring about the...