Cornish School District – Facilities Meeting
Cornish Elementary School 274 Town House Rd, Cornish, NHThe Cornish School District will hold a facilities meeting on Monday, April 22. This meeting will be held at 5:00pm in the CES Library
The Cornish School District will hold a facilities meeting on Monday, April 22. This meeting will be held at 5:00pm in the CES Library
This meeting is open to the public. Proposed Agenda 1. Approval of minutes of February 26, 2024 meeting. 2. Update status of BMGI grant award, HUB66 communications and next steps inclusion. 3. Other matters that may come to the attention of the committee. 4. Public comment/input.
Menu: pork roast and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, applesauce and a desert. Come thru front door which will be unlocked at 11:45. Reservations required by Sunday morning April 21. Email or call Audrey at 693-469-3245
Wednesdays 10am Come for stories, songs and a craft. Designed for our friends 5 and under and their caretakers.
Please join the Plainfield School's DEI Committee for a Community Forum: "Stop Being So Nice: How We Can Disagree with Civility" This Wednesday, April 24th from 5:30-7:30 (Dinner and babysitting provided): 5:30 - meet & greet with light dinner 6:00 - 7:30 pm - How to disagree with civility workshops, including: How to have difficult conversations,...
The meeting is open to the public: everyone is welcome to attend in person.
EVERY THURSDAY Stories ~ Songs ~ Free Play JOIN US!
Speaker at Meriden Library Kevin Gardner - Discovering New England Stone Walls Embark on a journey through the historic landscapes of New England as we delve into the captivating world of stone walls with Kevin Gardner, acclaimed author and expert on the subject. Join us for an engaging and informal talk by Kevin Gardner, where...
The webinar begins promptly at 6pm so please try to arrive by 5:55pm. This webinar-based program will be the second event in an ongoing series of Community Conversations focused on Sustainability and Resilience. How can we best protect our communities from damage and each other from harm? Join us in an effort to develop place-based natural solutions,...
Come tell a story or listen to your neighbors tell theirs. Stories should be 5 to 8 minutes, and true as remembered by the story teller. This month's prompt is " Meeting the Unknowable: Ghosts or Spirits You Have Encountered". This is always an enjoyable and entertaining evening, with a friendly audience. If you'd like to...
Free Community Screening of "Common Ground" Film Meriden Congregational Church Parish House In honor of Earth Day this year, all are enthusiastically invited to join us for a special screening of: "Common Ground" View trailer at: Meriden Congregational Church Parish House (the large white house on the southwest corner of the green) 5 Mitchell...
by the Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) Families, & all ages welcome! Short walk afterwards on CREA. Bring your own water. For hundreds of years, humans didn't understand the vital role that raptors play in our ecosystem. Our VINS Educator will discuss current research, banding, and monitoring work with American Kestrels. Join us in...