Zoom Trivia Pursuit Night

Join us for an evening of fun and knowledge at the Zoom-based Trivia Pursuit Night, co-hosted by the Plainfield and Etna Public Libraries! Please join us for a unique trivia experience from the comfort of your home. Test your wits, compete with others, and enjoy some camaraderie. Click the Zoom link provided to register for...

Cornish Supervisors of the Checklist

Cornish School Gym 274 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 Cornish Supervisors of the Checklist are meeting on JANUARY 23rd, from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM, at the Elementary School GYM. We will also be at the polls, on JANUARY 23, all day from 7AM to 7PM for the NH Primary voting. New voters may register and established voters may make changes at...

Cookbook Club

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

A flavorful yet healthy Mediterranean-inspired cookbook is on the menu for this months' Cornish and Plainfield Library joint program. Try out a recipe and join the potluck dinner. Need the cookbook? Come by the library to pick up your copy of The Mediterranean Dish. Sign up at stowelllibrary@comcast.net or jim.allen@plainfieldlibraries.org

Cornish School District Community Forum

Cornish School Gym 274 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

Please join us to discuss the results of our recent Cornish Schools Strategic Planning survey. We want to hear your thoughts and suggestions, answer your questions, and have the opportunity to provide feedback on our next steps. The survey results can be accessed through this link and can be found on the Cornish Elementary School website.

Cornish Conservation Commission

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

These are public meetings; everyone is welcome to attend in person or via zoom. Zoom Option: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/97204469945?pwd=UG9ra3gxSkowSFJYSWxFcS8ybnp1UT09 Meeting ID: 972 0446 9945 Passcode: 137682 Email any questions to conservationcommission@cornishnh.net

Puzzle Swap

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 2024 Come by to share, swap, and take home new-to-you puzzles for the winter months. It is helpful to tape the puzzle boxes closed so pieces are not lost. Some puzzle makers put the pieces in ziplock bags for safe storage inside the box. And some even use a separate ziplock to hold the...

Soup and Good Books

Meriden Library 22 Bean Rd, Meriden, NH

Friends of the Meriden Library Bring a 1-minute review of a recent read, a mug, and a spoon We will provide warm soup and tasty desserts!

Adult Craft Night

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

WINTERY BIRD PICTURE FRAME ART Register: stowelllibrary@comcast.net

Active Hope Book Discussion

Join us for the first discussion of the year HALF EARTH by Edward Wilson Future Discussions: Feb 22 - DEEP ECONOMY by Bill McKibben March 14 - DRAWDOWN, edited by Paul Hawkes April 4 - ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MIRACLE by Barbara Kingsolver

Coffee Hour for Seniors

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

CAIP volunteers will set up coffee and tea for attendees. You are welcome to bring your knitting or other handcraft, puzzles, cards, or games. In lieu of our usual 3rd Tuesday date, our themed discussion for the month of February will be held on Thursday, February 15, at 2:00 pm, at the former Cornish general store. As requested...

Book Group Discussion

“West with Giraffes) Email leigh.Callahan@comcast.net to be added to the book group list

Cornish Neighbor to Neighbor Breakfast

Plainfield Country Store 1190 12A, Plainfield, NH

All are welcome. Any questions or comments, contact Linda Leone at:  linellenleone@gmail.com or (201)-787-9789.