Hazardous Waste Collection
Claremont Highway Garage, 8 Grandview Street https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/hazardous-waste-collections/new-hampshire-schedules/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/files/7117/1034/8847/HHWSchedule2024.pdf
Claremont Highway Garage, 8 Grandview Street https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/hazardous-waste-collections/new-hampshire-schedules/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/ https://hhw.uvlsrpc.org/files/7117/1034/8847/HHWSchedule2024.pdf
The Masons of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge #23 are hosting the next community breakfast on Sunday, June 2nd from 8 to 11am. The menu includes eggs (fried, scrambled) omelets (ham, cheese, onions, peppers) pancakes (plain, blueberries, chocolate chips) French toast, sandwich (egg with cheese and either ham, sausage or bacon on an English muffin) waffles, home fries,...
All are welcome. Any questions or comments, contact Linda Leone at: linellenleone@gmail.com or (201)-787-9789.
A Look Back On Wednesday, June 5th, Wednesday, from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM, the fourth grade will present a short play about Cornish’s history. The story begins with Alice Chase arriving by canoe to meet her husband, Dudley Chase, and finally ends with a look at the Cornish Colony with its many famous personalities....
Plans are coming together. If you went to Cornish School at some point you are invited. Jay Rook has offered to bring and cook some amazing chicken recipe he has, Aaron Benware will bring his portable pizza oven and we've had an offer of additional pizza toppings. We'll set up some cornhole boards and other...
The Cornish Energy Committee usually meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. The Plainfield Energy Committee joins our meetings on an "as-needed" basis to work on joint projects. The public is welcome to attend either in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is below. Proposed Agenda: 1. Approve May minutes. 2. Community Power...
Perfect for teens and tweens alike.
The Cornish Historical Society and the Cornish Garden Club invite you to a talk given by historian Mary Kronenwetter titled Corbin's Animal Garden. This illustrated presentation will feature archival images and a discussion of the complicated history and legacy of New Hampshire's own American Gilded Age robber baron Austin Corbin. The talk will also highlight the...
This is an open meeting, and citizens are welcome. Laura Cousineau, MLS Chair, George H. Stowell Free Library Trustees
The Masons of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge #23 are hosting the next community breakfast on Sunday, June 16th, Father's Day, from 8 to 11am. The menu includes eggs (fried, scrambled) omelets (ham, cheese, onions, peppers) pancakes (plain, blueberries, chocolate chips) French toast, sandwich (egg with cheese and either ham, sausage or bacon on an English muffin) waffles,...
Zoning Board of Adjustment Case # 2024-01 Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held at 6:30 PM, Monday, June 17, 2024 at the Town Office building, 488 Townhouse Road, Cornish, New Hampshire, concerning a request by Derek Antonioni for a Special Exception under Article IV, Section C. The applicant wishes to operate a Boarding...
If you haven't heard what all the buzz is about, Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park is hosting a free, special family event - The Pollinator Party - in honor of Pollinator Week, on June 19, Wednesday from 4:30-6:00pm! Activities will be led by The Caterpillar Lab, Sullivan County Conservation District, Cornish Library, and Saint-Gaudens NHP and will include...