Daytime Fiber Group
Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United StatesAll are welcome For more information, contact Sandy Redlands At
All are welcome For more information, contact Sandy Redlands At
The public is welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is below. Proposed Agenda: 1. Approve February minutes. 2. Cornish Community Power a. Planning for Town Meeting 3. Update on town energy use - spreadsheet capabilities - Myron 4. Web site - discuss & schedule subcommittee work 5. Ways to manage...
CAIP volunteers will set up coffee and tea for attendees. You are welcome to bring your knitting or other handcraft, puzzles, cards, or games. Save the date for March 18th's themed-discussion coffee hour, at 2:00 pm, also at the former Cornish general store. CAIP's goal is to provide our seniors with social time, stimulating conversation, and helpful information...
We are enjoying these gatherings so much, that we decided to schedule our group every Tuesday! Show up when you can, bring a project you are working on and your interest in working with fiber: spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, felting, embroidery, etc. Share a project, pattern, tip and enjoy the conversations. Bring your own mug...
TUESDSAY, MARCH 4 7-8pm We have two community members running for one school board seat this year: Matthew Dunn and Jesse Cloutier. We'll be hosting a Candidate's night zoom on March 4th from 7-8 pm where you can meet the candidates and hear their thoughts on Cornish schools. We'll have 5 general questions, and if time permits, participants can submit...
As we all age, we must shift our perspective on growing older, focusing on the opportunity for vibrant, productive, and fulfilling years. Join Jackson Penfield-Cyr, owner of Upper Valley Integration Therapy, as he shares insights on how the 'secrets' to aging gracefully are rooted in everyday practices. By understanding the biology of aging, we can...
Every Thursday! Stories ~ Songs ~ Free Play Join us!
Ruth Bassett is coordinating an indoor walking exercise opportunity for our seniors, sponsored by Cornish Aging in Place (CAIP). Walks are now held every Thursday from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The new location is the Cornish Town Hall. The Town Hall schedule permitting, Ruth will offer this weekly at this time and location.Seniors in...
Zoom only (for zoom details, email The meetings are open to the public; everyone is welcome to attend. Email any questions to:
Cornish School District voting will be open on Saturday March 8 from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm in the school gym. Candidates on the ballot are as follows: School Board: Jesse Cloutier, Matthew Dunn (1 seat open) Moderator: Karim Chichakly Clerk: Shelly Foston Treasurer: Dale Lawrence