If you have a question for the CCI please contact us.
General CCI
Who and what is the CCI?
Check out our About and Contact pages for more info! Also check out our Activities page for things we facilitate!
Library Project
These are related specifically to the Cornish Library and Community Center project.
Is this a Library or Community Center?
Both! We understand some folks are confused by this duality, but there are a few simple points around this. The Cornish Library initiated the conversations and explorations that led to this point. Along the way, the idea of using the old Cornish General Store building as the new home for the library expanded to include this concept of a community center in the same building. So it’s one building, but it will house two entities. This means there is some infrastructure overlap, as well as distinct spaces between them. In the planning, there are line items for costs specific to each of these entities, which allows for use case specific funding, donations, and grants when appropriate. This is common with multifunctional facilities.
Why is one person driving this whole thing?
They’re not. The CCI board is 5 people and a majority vote is required to progress any major action. The Library Project was initiated by the Library Board of Trustees by majority decision. Various stages of this project have required majority vote by the Selectboard, and there was of course the public town vote. Hundreds of people have been involved with the progress of this community initiative. No one person has control over this project. We are aware that a couple dissenting individuals continue to present an easily disproven false narrative otherwise. It is unfortunate those individuals present hostile rhetoric against select persons. That is the opposite of community, and the CCI continues to invite open conversation with anyone who has questions or concerns.
Conversely we are aware of an individual who seems to be a driving force fighting against this project and sowing discontent and misinformation in the community. Despite this person seeming to advocate for the elimination of the Cornish Library, they are running for the Library Board of Trustees position this year, presumably in a further effort to remove this community resource and terminate the new facility. Again, this is highly unfortunate and the opposite of building a strong local community, and the CCI pledges to continue its mission and legal obligations for the residents of Cornish.
Why are you trying to destroy the Stowell?
No one wants the Stowell building destroyed. We’re aware that the concepts of the Cornish Library and the Stowell Building are strongly linked in the hearts and minds of many residents. However the two things are in fact distinct and can exist in a future apart. The CCI strongly believes that the Stowell building is part of the heritage of Cornish and must be preserved. The Cornish Historic Society shares this belief. While no formal plan yet exists for when the Library vacates that building, the CCI hopes to see one formalized before that milestone is reached, and is more than happy to be part of that advocacy and planning should we be formally approached to assist.
Is there any way the project could be terminated?
At this point, not really. The town vote and selectboard acceptance sealed a legally binding agreement with the CCI to complete the building and deliver it to the town. The only real hurdle left is to obtain the $3M in funding to complete the project. If that were to fail in the defined time period, then the agreement is void and the project could be terminated unless further amendments were made to proceed anyway. Given the fundraising has already raised 2/3 of the funds and there are 3 years remaining, it is unlikely the project will fail. We are aware that a group of 48 individuals signed a petition to the town to bring to vote in March 2025 an article to nullify the aforementioned warrant that made this a legally binding agreement. We don’t believe that to be a legally valid course of action, and it’s disappointing to see such an attempt by so many individuals. Hopefully with further conversation those negative efforts can be redirected into positive growth for the community instead.
What would happen if the fundraising fails?
In that increasingly unlikely situation, the remaining funds (portions have been used to pay for various surveys and legal and architectural costs) would be proportionally prorated and offered back to the donors. The CCI would need to determine how to best handle the property, likely returning it back to the original owner. The Library unfortunately would be left with a deficient facility, and the future of that entity would be highly uncertain, which could result in closure and abandonment of the Stowell building. It would be a great loss to the future of the town to not have this Library and Community Center resource, which is why so many are working so hard to ensure success.
Could you tell me more about the NBRC Grant?
Please read our CCI Grant Statement
How long does the CCI have to raise the funds for the library renovation?
The deadline for fund raising is March 18, 2028, five years from the 2023 Town Meeting vote. Current progress can be seen on the Project Page.
What’s this rumor about a Daycare?
Exactly that, a rumor. There is no daycare as part of this project (although we can’t say what the town could do after it accepts ownership of the building). This rumor seems to stem from a Facebook group of detractors for the project that used the term spuriously. Because the Community Center includes the suggestion of after school activities, this was reacted to by some as a “daycare” that they didn’t vote for.