Hazardous Waste Collection
Lebanon High School 195 Hanover St, Lebanon, NHhttps://lebanonnh.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2385
Barnes Park, Claremont, NH Drive in with your car seat and have it inspected by a team of experts! Hosted by Dartmouth Health Injury Prevention Center, Women's Health Resource Center...
5th annual FREE basketball clinic at Cory Taber Memorial Park, Rte 12a, Plainfield, NH (behind the church) Leaving 1st/2nd graders: 5-6pm. Please have a designated adult stay at the park during...
A fun, upbeat performance of songs that celebrate diversity & build community—with warmth, humor & lots of audience participation. Steve is an award-winning children's musician who plays a delightful mix...
Join the Cornish Community Initiative for a Family Pot Luck and Game Night on the Cornish Green next to the meeting house church. Rain location Cornish Store. Tables, lemonade, water,...
This meeting is open to the public. Proposed Agenda 1. Approval of minutes of June 26, 2023 meeting. 2. Update on contact with possible broadband providers and Department of Business...
5th annual FREE basketball clinic at Cory Taber Memorial Park, Rte 12a, Plainfield, NH (behind the church) Leaving 1st/2nd graders: 5-6pm. Please have a designated adult stay at the park during...
Wolves move through New England and, too often, are mistaken for the large eastern coyote. This is a problem because while the wolf is protected by the Endangered Species Act,...
This is a public meeting; everyone is welcome to attend in person or via zoom. Zoom Option: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/97204469945?pwd=UG9ra3gxSkowSFJYSWxFcS8ybnp1UT09 Meeting ID: 972 0446 9945 Passcode: 137682 Email any questions to conservationcommission@cornishnh.net
5th annual FREE basketball clinic at Cory Taber Memorial Park, Rte 12a, Plainfield, NH (behind the church) Leaving 1st/2nd graders: 5-6pm. Please have a designated adult stay at the park during...
A special thanks to Thomas Pryzby for stepping up to the plate and leading this SUNDAY's hike! Meet Sunday at 10am at the Paradise Park parking lot just down the hill...
Meeting to Review Draft Natural Resources Inventory This is a meeting with one agenda item: to review the draft Natural Resources Inventory This is a public meeting; everyone is welcome to...