Sculptural Visions

Saint Gaudens National Park 139 Saint Gaudens Road, Cornish, NH

Learn from visiting artists demonstrating different techniques including clay modeling, wood and stone carving, metal and wire working, and mixed media. Participate in hands-on activities with the whole family or...

Annual Dark Sky Celebration

Saint Gaudens National Park 139 Saint Gaudens Road, Cornish, NH

Don't miss the annual dark sky celebration beginning at 7:30 on Saturday, September 23rd. The Star Party is an annual event for the whole family in partnership with the Springfield...

Cornish Senior Luncheon

Cornish Town Hall 294 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

Doors open at 11:45 am Menu:: barbecue chicken, broccoli apple salad, rolls and apple crisp with ice cream. This meal is sponsored by an anonymous Cornish couple. Reservations required by Saturday, September...

Cornish Conservation Commission

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

This is a public meeting; everyone is welcome to attend in person or via zoom. Zoom Option: Meeting ID: 972 0446 9945 Passcode: 137682 Email any questions to

Cornish Old Home Day

Cornish Old Home Day will be September 30 at the Fred and Shirley Sullivan Livestock Pavilion, located at the Cornish Fairgrounds. Gathering starts at 11:30, meal at noon, followed by...

Coffee Hour for Seniors

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

Cornish Aging in Place Monthly social coffee hour. CAIP volunteers will set up coffee and tea for attendees. You are welcome to bring your knitting or other handcraft, puzzles, cards,...

Neighbor to Neighbor Breakfast

Plainfield Country Store 1190 12A, Plainfield, NH

All are welcome. Any questions or comments, contact Linda Leone at: or (201) 787 9789.

Broadband Committee

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

This meeting is open to the public. Proposed Agenda 1. Approval of minutes of September 25, 2023 meeting. 2. Update status of BMGI application and Cornish inclusion. 3. Update on...


Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

Cornish Supervisors of the Checklist are meeting on October 6th from 7:00 to 7:30 PM at the Cornish Town Office. New voters may register and established voters may make changes at this...

Community Flu Shot Clinic

Plainfield Elementary School 92 Bonner Rd, Meriden, NH

Walk-In Clinic- Plainfield School Gym Offering Regular & High Dose Open to anyone over 10 years of age!

Off Grid Solar Tour

Cornish Recycling Center 112 Connecticut Valley Hwy, Cornish, NH

Please join the Cornish Energy Committee for a scheduled tour of the brand new off-grid solar system at the Cornish Recycling Center. We'll explain how it works, describe all the...

Cornish Community Breakfast

Masons of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge 36 School St, Cornish, NH

The Masons of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge #23 are hosting the next community breakfast on Sunday, October 8th from 8 to 11am. The menu includes eggs (fried, scrambled) omelets (ham, cheese, onions,...