Puzzle Swap

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 2024 Come by to share, swap, and take home new-to-you puzzles for the winter months. It is helpful to tape the puzzle boxes closed so pieces are...

Soup and Good Books

Meriden Library 22 Bean Rd, Meriden, NH

Friends of the Meriden Library Bring a 1-minute review of a recent read, a mug, and a spoon We will provide warm soup and tasty desserts!

Adult Craft Night

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

WINTERY BIRD PICTURE FRAME ART Register: stowelllibrary@comcast.net

Active Hope Book Discussion

Join us for the first discussion of the year HALF EARTH by Edward Wilson Future Discussions: Feb 22 - DEEP ECONOMY by Bill McKibben March 14 - DRAWDOWN, edited by...

Coffee Hour for Seniors

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

CAIP volunteers will set up coffee and tea for attendees. You are welcome to bring your knitting or other handcraft, puzzles, cards, or games. In lieu of our usual 3rd...

Book Group Discussion

“West with Giraffes) Email leigh.Callahan@comcast.net to be added to the book group list

Cornish Neighbor to Neighbor Breakfast

Plainfield Country Store 1190 12A, Plainfield, NH

All are welcome. Any questions or comments, contact Linda Leone at:  linellenleone@gmail.com or (201)-787-9789.

Cornish Conservation Commission “MAP” Meeting

The main agenda item is a discussion of the maps to be included in the updated Natural Resources Inventory. This meeting is open to the public; everyone is welcome to...

Senior Walk

Cornish Elementary School 274 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

Ruth Basse3e is hosting a walk for seniors in the gym of the Cornish Elementary School from 3:15 pm until 4:15 pm. Wear soft-soled shoes such as sneakers; no boots...

Covered Bridges near Plainfield, Past & Present

Meriden Library 22 Bean Rd, Meriden, NH

Presenter: Kim Varney Chandler Call for information: Jim Allen at 603/558-2576 Join Kim as she presents a detailed history of the Meriden Bridge, an overview of the four Cornish bridges,...

Blood Drive

Cornish Town Hall 294 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

Please schedule your blood donation appointment today! The Cornish Elementary School Wellness Committee is proud to sponsor our next blood drive with the American Red Cross on February 13th An...

Coffee Hour for Seniors

For the month of February, our themed coffee hour discussion for seniors will be led by a presenter from the Yellow House Organizing. Come with your questions about downsizing and organizing...