Library Trustee Meeting

Stowell Library 24 School Street, Cornish, NH

The George H. Stowell Free Library Trustees will meet on Monday, December 2, at 6:00 pm, at the Stowell Library. The meeting will open in public session, with a limited agenda to discuss joining the request to have the Stowell building placed on the State Historic Register. The meeting will then move to a non-public...

Coffee Hour for Seniors

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

Cornish Aging in Place will host two coffee hours for seniors in the month of December. The social coffee hour will be on Tuesday, December 3, at 10:00 am in the former general store/future library. The themed coffee hour will be on Tuesday, December 17, at 2:00 pm, at the same location. This afternoon themed...

Cornish School District Meeting

Cornish School Library 274 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

The Cornish School Board has scheduled a meeting to review and discuss the Middle School Proposal on Tuesday, December 3, 2025 from 5-6 pm in the CES Library. This meeting will be immediately followed by the next Cornish School Facilities Forum -- Design Input Session from 6-8. At this next facilities session, we'll present an overview of current facilities...

Cornish Community Power Public Hearings

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

Thursday Nov. 14 from 6:30-8pm Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 6:30-8pm To be held at Cornish Town Offices, 2nd fl., 488 Town House Rd., Cornish NH To join by Zoom: PRE-REGISTER THIS IS A MATTER THAT WILL BE VOTED ON AT TOWN MEETING IN MARCH 2025. The Cornish Select Board and the Cornish Energy Committee are...

Neighbor to Neighbor Breakfast

Plainfield Country Store 1190 12A, Plainfield, NH

All are welcome. Any questions or comments, contact Linda Leone at: or (201)-787-9789.

Cornish Book Group

Stowell Library 24 School Street, Cornish, NH

Life is short. No-one knows that better than seventeen year old Lenni living on the terminal ward. But as she is about to learn, it's not only what you make of life that matters, but who you share it with. Dodging doctor's orders, she joins an art class where she bumps into fellow patient Margot,...

Toddler Story Time

Stowell Library 24 School Street, Cornish, NH

EVERY THURSDAY Stories ~ Songs ~ Free Play JOIN US!

Fiber Circle Meet Up

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

All are welcome. Bring your interest in fiber, knitting, crochet, felting, embroidery. Share a project, pattern, tip. Bring your own mug and tea bag of choice.

Cornish School Holiday Concert

Cornish School Library 274 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

You are Cordially Invited to Attend Showcasing Preschool–4th Grade and our Middle School Band & Choir

Cornish Hiking Club

On Saturday, December 14th, at 10 am, the Cornish Hiking Club will hike up Paget Hill Road from the Cornish Flat side. Bundle up and meet at the Cornish Meetinghouse on Cornish Stage Road in Cornish Flat. Everyone is welcome.