Toddler Story Time
Stowell Library 24 School Street, Cornish, NHEVERY THURSDAY Stories ~ Songs ~ Free Play JOIN US!
EVERY THURSDAY Stories ~ Songs ~ Free Play JOIN US!
Come one and all for some spooky tricks and treats this Halloween at the library! Stop by during your time out to see all the fun the library has planned.
Delicious food on the porch of the former General Store in the flat by the Cornish 7th and 8th Grades. Meatballs, chili, hot dogs, mac & cheese, corn bread, soup & corn chowder. Don't worry about cooking dinner after trick or treating, we've got you covered! All sales by donation
Program Overview: The Local Authors Speaking Program will consist of a series of events hosted at the Plainfield NH Public Libraries, featuring discussions, readings, and Q&A sessions with talented writers from our community. This initiative aims to: Support Local Talent: Provide a platform for authors in our community to showcase their work, connect with readers,...
gifts, crafts, ornaments Raffle Quilt to benefit Cornish Fire Association Scholarship Fund luncheon by Cornish School 7th & 8th graders free admission sponsored by Cornish Fire Association
Please bring pumpkins, nuts and apples for the orphaned bears at the Kilham Bear Center in Lyme to the former store in Cornish Flat on Saturday, Nov 2 from 10 to 11am. Questions? Call Henry Homeyer at 543-1307. We can make arrangements for you to deliver food prior to Nov 2 (but not after). Thanks!
It's that time of year again! Get ready to empty (and re-fill) your closets as we host another Cornish Community Wear and Share. As a reminder, this is a FREE community event. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come and see what "new" outfits they can add to their wardrobe - no donations required! Hungry?...
CHANGE CLOCKS - FALL BACK ONE HOUR! Daylight saving time will end at 2 a.m. on Nov. 3, 2024, with clocks falling back one hour. For many people, this will mean one extra hour of sleep on the first weekend of the month. The time shift will result in earlier sunrises and earlier sunsets.
The Masons of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge #23 are hosting the next community breakfast on Sunday, November 3rd from 8 to 11am. The menu includes eggs (fried, scrambled) omelets (ham, cheese, onions, peppers) pancakes (plain, blueberries, chocolate chips) French toast, sandwich (egg with cheese and either ham, sausage or bacon on an English muffin) waffles, eggs Benedict,...
This Sunday, November 3rd, at 10 am, the Cornish Hiking Club will meet at Paradise Park in Windsor, VT for a walk around the pond and in the trails behind. We will meet on the Rte 5 side, across from Price Chopper at 10 am. Everyone is welcome!