If you have a question for the CCI please contact us.
General CCI
Who and what is the CCI?
Check out our About and Contact pages for more info! Also check out our Activities page for things we facilitate!
Library Project
These are related specifically to the Cornish Library and Community Center project.
Is this a Library or Community Center?
The new Cornish Library and Community Center will be a public library with an active community space. The community resource space, labeled as the MULTIPURPOSE/MEETING Room will allow meetings and gatherings of all kinds. The traditional library will house the Children’s Room, stacks of adult and teen book selections, reading and study areas, a tech space and an area for special collections and art displays, and more. There will be a reception area, librarian’s office, coffee station, and warming kitchen. The newly renovated building will offer multiple services and opportunities to the entire community. The Cornish Library Trustees will have custody and management of the library and community center. We expect that many of the activities that are currently taking place at the former store will continue in the new community center multipurpose meeting room.
The building has been designed to allow after-hours access to the community resource space. The Library Trustees will create a Community Center Room Usage Policy and will work with the librarian, and/or volunteers, to schedule the space.
Why is one person driving this whole thing?
They’re not. The CCI board is made up of five members and a majority vote is required to progress any major action. The Cornish Library Board of Trustees got things started in 2021, when they investigated the possible use of the former store for more space. Please see the history of this project.
Since the 2023 Cornish Town Meeting vote in favor of acceptance of the new Cornish Library and Community Center, the CCI, and many volunteers, have worked on various committees in support of the renovation of the former store building. This has been a tremendous team effort to support this new community resource.
Why are you trying to destroy the Stowell?
The Stowell Library is not going anywhere. It will continue to be a town-owned building. It will serve another purpose, based on a decision by the town and through a legal CY PRES Proceeding to discontinue its use as a donated library.
A possible future use for the Stowell library building may involve the Cornish Historical Society. That determination will rest with the town of Cornish and the CHS. The NH Charitable Trusts Unit will be involved since the Stowell Library was a charitable donation to the town of Cornish in 1910.
What would happen if the fundraising fails?
As of 2/14/2025, $ 2.7M has been raised in gifts/grants/pledges.
At this time, the CCI has raised sufficient funds to start the library project. This determination came with input from the Cornish Library Trustees and building architect at a meeting on 2/19/2025.
Pursuant to Warrant Article 6 passed at the 2023 Town Meeting that states:
CCI, with input from its architect and the Board of Library Trustees,shall decide when and if there are sufficient funds for the renovations, with a deadline of March 18, 2028 to raise sufficient funds.
After receiving evidence of the fundraising presented by CCI representatives at our February 19 meeting, the George H. Stowell Free Library trustees certify that the above-referenced clause has been fulfilled. The trustees further determine that sufficient funds have been raised for the renovations.
Could you tell me more about the NBRC Grant?
Please read our CCI Grant Statement
How long does the CCI have to raise the funds for the library renovation?
The deadline for fund raising is March 18, 2028, five years from the 2023 Town Meeting vote. Current progress can be seen on the Project Page.
Will there be a MakerSpace at the new community center?
There are no plans for a MakerSpace at the new Cornish Library and Community Center. Our submitted Catalyst Grant Application included Workforce and Business Development Opportunities for Cornish with the following bullet points;
Tech Training Opportunities for local area residents
Creating networking opportunities for local area business associations
Creating partnership with SCORE (fostering vibrant small business communities through mentoring and education)
Creating partnership with Maker Space to support residents who wish to explore and create through collaborative, innovative community-driven projects
Creating partnership with Sullivan County Conservation District (working with landowners & organizations to conserve natural resources, support agriculture and promote place-based education in Sullivan County, NH)
Creating partnership with WorkReady NH (providing skills training programs to help employees succeed)
Showcase for local entrepreneurs and artists
The 2024 NBRC Grant Award notification incorrectly omitted the words “partnership with” makerspace as the grant application stated.
Sullivan County
Fall Award to: Cornish Community Initiative
Project: Funds will assist in the renovation of a donated building into a community resource hub, featuring meeting spaces with bathrooms, computers, a maker space, and space for after-school programming. They will partner with SCORE (entrepreneurship advising), an existing maker space, Sullivan County Conservation District, Work Ready NH, and other local organizations to support programming in the new space.
Location of Project: Sullivan County (CD-02)
Grant Amount: $727,456.00
Total Project Amount: $909,320.00
Is there contamination at the former Cornish Store Property?
There is no contamination at the site of the former Cornish Store Property. The property has been reviewed by the NH Department of Environmental Services. A certificate of NO FURTHER ACTION AND RELEASE OF RECORDATION was given to the property. This certificate follows the property.
The water is tested four times a year. It continues to meet all state standards for a public water supply.
What are the projected annual costs for the new library and community center?
The Library Exploratory Committee did an estimate/comparison of annual operating costs for the new library building. The projected cost was $64,495. Here is the link: https://www.cornishnh.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Appendix-15-Operating-Expenses-Comparison-.pdf
The annual library budget is developed by the Library Trustees and presented as a line item in the budget at Town Meeting. Townspeople get a chance to discuss and vote on the town budget every March.
The new building will be well-insulated and energy efficient, with rooftop solar and electric heat pumps. Generation of solar power will reduce electricity costs.
What’s this rumor about a Daycare?
There are no plans for a designated daycare center in the new Cornish Library and Community Center. The NBRC Catalyst Grant application referenced space (and availability of water and bathrooms) for expanded children’s programming throughout the year. After-school programming for middle and high school students could also be available.
Pursuant to a town mailing on 3/7/25:
Did the CCI change the building plan after the 2023 vote?
The building design was informed by public forums, the Library Exploratory Committee, library trustees, and the town librarian and presented at the 2023 town meeting. Minor alterations were made to the final library design (see final floor plan here), informed by the architect, engineering assessments, and Building Committee input. In July and August of 2024, at public meetings, both the Cornish Library Trustees and the Cornish Select Board agreed that the detailed construction design and plans were substantially consistent with the preliminary plans shared at the 2023 Town Meeting.
Is the project using over $700,000 of taxpayer money?
The CCI applied for a Northern Border Regional Commission Catalyst Grant in the Fall of 2024. In January 2025, an award of $747M was granted. These are federal funds and are not from town of Cornish taxes.
Federal funds come from taxpayers who pay federal taxes. Congress authorizes the NBRC funds. In fact, Cornish is getting the benefit of federal funds to enhance our community. If we did not receive these funds, they would go to other communities.
Did the CCI try to have the State block Article 26?
No. The CCI inquired if the petitioned town meeting Article 26 was valid and was told any registered voter could petition a warrant article with 25 signatures. The NH Charitable Trusts Unit determined the warrant article was a matter for the municipality.
The CCI had their legal counsel send a letter to the select board in light of the commitment voters made at the 2023 Town Meeting.
What about the businesses and housing units at the store?
There is one chocolatier business which is closing in May, and a showroom for wood stove repair. Both are open on a limited basis and do not have a significant impact on the Cornish tax base. Both business owners live in Meriden, NH.
The tenants are aware that when the library project is underway they will leave the building. The town did not want to maintain the apartments.
Don’t we have enough places to hold public activities already?
The Stowell Library does not have a meeting room, bathrooms or running water; it is not handicap-accessible. The Cornish Town Hall is available for rent through the Cornish Town Offices; it does not have wifi. The Cornish Town Office has an upstairs meeting room; scheduled through the town. The Cornish Meeting House is not heated and may be used seasonally; it does not have bathrooms or running water.
The new Cornish Library and Community Center will provide a modern building with technology, heat and air conditioning, two ADA-compliant bathrooms, two handicap parking spaces and first floor ADA entry and access to services.
The current owner of the Cornish Store has allowed activities to take place at the property. Due to available space, community activities have been increasing. Library Programs, Bone Builders, Cornish Aging in Place, two fiber circles, Tai Chi classes, Moth story hours, clothing swaps, puzzle swaps, bake sales, group meetings, art classes, poetry readings and Halloween events are taking place in Cornish Flat. It is becoming the community hub.
Won’t the costs for the new library increase as the operation increases and raise my taxes?
The new Cornish Library will be open a minimum of 15 hours per week. The community center space can be scheduled during library hours and after hours. A policy to use the community center after hours will be developed by the library trustees. Staff and volunteers will assist with the use of the community space.
The library trustees set the annual budget prior to town meeting. Registered voters approve the annual library budget.
If the town wants to have more library hours with paid staff, the library budget will increase. It will be up to the voters.
Is a vote on Article 26 a vote to reopen the Cornish General Store?
No, Article 26 is a vote to rescind the 2023 vote in favor of the new Cornish Library and Community Center. It is not a vote to reopen the Cornish General Store.
If Article 26 passes, the store property will be sold.
If Article 26 passes, the town will need to make the Stowell Library accessible. It will require a well and septic system to provide indoor plumbing and an ADA bathroom. The CCI will not support any renovation at the Stowell Library. The previous architect plan estimate for a renovation at the Stowell Library was $1.8M in 2022. Parking would continue to be an issue on School Street.
Are Cornish residents blocked from having a voice in this project?
Cornish voters voted in favor of a new library and community center at the 2023 town meeting. The building design was informed by public forums, the Library Exploratory Committee, library trustees, and the town librarian. The CCI Building Committee, made up of community volunteers, worked with the architect and engineers who created detailed construction plans. The CCI encourages anyone to reach out via our website or to info@cornishci.org
The CCI is a private non-profit organization. Like many non-profits, our minutes and donors are confidential.