Fiber Circle

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

We are enjoying these gatherings so much, that we decided to schedule our group every Tuesday! Show up when you can, bring a project you are working on and your...

Blood Drive

Cornish Town Hall 294 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

Sponsored by the Cornish Elementary Wellness Committee Rep: Elizabeth Farrell Drive ID: 256167 Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: CornishElementary to schedule an appointment. Maximize your blood...

N2N Breakfast

Plainfield Country Store 1190 12A, Plainfield, NH

The meeting is held at the Plainfield Country Store at 7:30am, and everyone is welcome. Contact:, 201 787 9789., 603 727 6872.

Local Author Series: Maggie Thrash

Philip Read Memorial Library 1088 NH-12A, Plainfield, NH

Join us for an evening with acclaimed author Maggie Thrash as part of our Local Author Series! Thrash, known for her graphic memoirs Honor Girl and Lost Soul, Be At Peace, will share...

Book Group

Stowell Library 24 School Street, Cornish, NH

Ian Gray isn't supposed to have a dog, but a lot of things that shouldn't happen end up happening anyway. And Gather, Ian's adopted pup, is good company now that...

Conservation Commission

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

CCC will conduct three interviews with consultants who have submitted proposals to help the Commission develop a conservation plan for the Town of Cornish: Fri., February 7: Ecosystems Management Thurs., February...

Bake Sale

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

The Wait is Over!! The next Friends of the Cornish Library "Bake Sale" is coming back! It will be on Saturday February 8th from 10-12 at the former Cornish store/future...

Decorating Cookies for Valentines with Ilsa

Philip Read Memorial Library 1088 NH-12A, Plainfield, NH

Join us for a sweet and fun-filled morning at the Kid's Event: Decorating Cookies for Valentines! Kids can get creative decorating heart-shaped cookies with colorful icing, sprinkles, and more. It's...

Daytime Fiber Group

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

All are welcome For more information, contact Sandy Redlands At

Budget Hearing

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

Fiber Circle

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

We are enjoying these gatherings so much, that we decided to schedule our group every Tuesday! Show up when you can, bring a project you are working on and your...