The Art of Aging Gracefully

Philip Read Memorial Library 1088 NH-12A, Plainfield, NH

As we all age, we must shift our perspective on growing older, focusing on the opportunity for vibrant, productive, and fulfilling years. Join Jackson Penfield-Cyr, owner of Upper Valley Integration...

Inside Winter Walking for Seniors

Cornish Town Hall 294 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

Ruth Bassett is coordinating an indoor walking exercise opportunity for our seniors, sponsored by Cornish Aging in Place (CAIP). Walks are now held every Thursday from 2:00 pm to 3:00...

Conservation Commission

Zoom only (for zoom details, email The meetings are open to the public; everyone is welcome to attend. Email any questions to:

School District Meeting

Cornish School Gym 274 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

Cornish School District voting will be open on Saturday March 8 from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm in the school gym. Candidates on the ballot are as follows: School Board:...

Daytime Fiber Group

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

All are welcome For more information, contact Sandy Redlands At

Energy Committee

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

The public is welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is below. Proposed Agenda: 1. Cornish Community Power a. Planning for Town Meeting 2. Other issues...

Town Election

Cornish Town Hall 294 Town House Rd, Cornish, NH

The following people have signed up to run for Town Offices that will be voted on Selectman: Keith Beardslee Mike Belanger Tax Collector: Reigh Sweetser Treasurer: Heidi Jaarsma Town Clerk:...

Local Author Series: Paula Munier

Meriden Library 22 Bean Rd, Meriden, NH

Join us for an evening with author and editor Paula Munier, best known for her captivating "Mercy and Elvis" mystery series. Paula will share her journey as an author and...

Fiber Circle

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

We are enjoying these gatherings so much, that we decided to schedule our group every Tuesday! Show up when you can, bring a project you are working on and your...