Budget Hearing

Cornish Town Offices 488 Town House Road, Cornish, NH, United States

Fiber Circle

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

We are enjoying these gatherings so much, that we decided to schedule our group every Tuesday! Show up when you can, bring a project you are working on and your...

Andre Torres Talk: Understanding Light Pollution

Philip Read Memorial Library 1088 NH-12A, Plainfield, NH

Join us for an informative talk by Andre Torres on the pressing issue of light pollution. This session will cover three key aspects: the causes of light pollution, its effects...

Community Conversations Pizza and a Movie Film Series 

Meriden Library 22 Bean Rd, Meriden, NH

The Clamshell Alliance organized thousands of people including local residents to occupy the construction site of the Seabrook Nuclear Plant in the 1970s and 1980s. Clamshell's creative use of disciplined,...

Library Trustee Meeting

Stowell Library 24 School Street, Cornish, NH

The trustees of the George H. Stowell Library will be meeting on Saturday, February 15 at 1:00 pm at the library. The tentative agenda is as follows: 1. Call to...

Daytime Fiber Group

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

All are welcome For more information, contact Sandy Redlands At sredlands391@gmail.com

Introduction to Online Mapping

Philip Read Memorial Library 1088 NH-12A, Plainfield, NH

Curious about how to explore and use mapping tools for land and property? Join us for a hands-on introduction to the Town's online mapping system and the State's Granit online...

Fiber Circle

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

We are enjoying these gatherings so much, that we decided to schedule our group every Tuesday! Show up when you can, bring a project you are working on and your...

Cabin Fever

Former Cornish Store 226 RT-120, Cornish, NH, United States

The Cornish Community Initiative is again hosting the Cabin Fever Coffee House at the former Cornish Store during the winter months. Light refreshments provided. Donations gratefully accepted at the door...